Frequently Asked Questions

(Click on Questions to Expand)

  • Soft soled shoes, Absolutely no dirty work boots, cowboy boots, or hard soled boots.
  • Anything you would like to eat or drink except bananas which are bad luck on a boat (beer, mixed drinks in moderation are ok) We do provide a 12 cup pot of coffee for our morning trips, free of charge.
  • Motion sickness or other medications (Take 2 Hours Before Arriving, or as directed)
  • Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
  • Warm clothing, or extra clothing (even when its hot out, it can be cool on the lake)
  • Rain jacket, or extra clothing
  • Large cooler to take your fish home in (generally left in the car until we get back)
  • WI Fishing License with a Great Lakes salmon stamp or 2 Day Lic. (stamp is included)
  • Camera
  • Well rested arms for reeling in big Kings

There can be up to 6 passengers (customers), the Captain, and a First Mate on board.
There is more than enough room for everyone and their gear to fit comfortably, and to be able to get out of the weather.

No, unfortunately it is a USCG regulation which limits us to 6 passengers, fishing or not.

All of our charters are private party, so it will be just your group, the captain, and first mate.

Personally, HI-TECH Charters owns ONE boat, but since we have a great working relationship with other Captains we can certainly arrange more boats for your group. We believe that owner/operators care more about creating a successful experience than hired Captains, and have the ability to go above and beyond when others can’t. When selecting additional boats for your group, we start with boats/crews that will have the best chance at providing the same level of service that we strive for. 

Yes, with the type of fishing that we do, everyone on board must have a WI fishing license and Great Lakes stamp.

*You need to have a printed copy of your license with you, while fishing Lake Michigan. (This rule does not apply to inland waters, just “boundary waters”)

Fishing licenses are available at almost any sporting goods store, or online here.

Starting in 2018, your Captain will have paper 2-Day fishing licenses, which include the Great Lakes stamp for $14.00.

Having a license prior to your trip is preferred however. *You need to have a printed copy of your license with you, while fishing Lake Michigan. (This rule does not apply to inland waters, just “boundary waters”)

There is no way to say what the best time of year is, fishing is very dependent on a number of factors, water temps, weather, high and low pressure, moon phases, and the amount of bait fish in the area. Our Season starts in early May and goes thru the end of Sept. Fishing usually picks up by the beginning of June and remains good to mid or late Sept. If we have a cold spring, it might be a week or two later before fishing is consistently good. If we have an early or warm spring, it might be very good fishing in mid to early May already. Have you ever heard the saying “should have been here yesterday” ? Well, it’s not always a fisherman’s white lie. A strong cold front can shut the hottest fishing right off, and I’ve also seen a storm front or wind switch turn it on too. Just because it was good yesterday, doesn’t guarantee it will be tomorrow. The same goes with slow streaks, a pressure change, rain storm, or weather change can turn things around in a hurry. My suggestion is to pick a date that works for your group, and we’ll do our best to make it a great trip!

One thing I usually tell people is try to avoid a full moon by 3-4 days each way, especially if you’re hoping to target salmon. A full moon phase means the fish can feed 24 hours a day, and it takes away from the normal morning/evening bite typical with salmon. Lake trout however, are not as effected by a full moon phase and are normally still active during this time.

Again, there are too many factors that effect fishing conditions. Generally speaking, early season fishing is less effected by sunlight and can be good from sun up to sun down. When we are fishing mainly Chinook Salmon, fishing usually is best early morning and late evening. Our normal starting time is 5:00AM, and occasionally leave at 4:30AM or earlier in July and August if it’s an early bite for better fishing. Typically, we fish until 8:30 or 9:00PM in July and August, and until 8:00PM in June and Sept. During July and Aug, fishing can also be good mid day a few days before and after a full moon. We are always willing to adjust the time of the trip a few days prior to the fit the best fishing. Just call a day or two ahead to check on how the bite is.

 In the rare case that it is too rough to fish, the decision will be made by the Captain to cancel the trip. We will make our best effort to let you know as early as possible if this may happen, but many times it is hard to make a decision based on a forecast, and are forced to cancel last minute. If we do need to cancel a trip due to high seas or foul weather, we will make every effort to reschedule your trip. If we are unable to reschedule, your deposit will be refunded.
We may also need to cancel a trip, adjust the length of a trip, or adjust the time of a trip due to thunderstorms and lightning. We will however fish in the rain, so bring a raincoat or extra cloths.

There is no age limit for passengers. However, if you have more than one infant, please be sure to notify the captain prior to your trip. It is not very common to have infant passengers, so we only have one Type 1 infant sized life vest on board. We also carry 2 child vests (under 50#), and 8 adult vests (over 50#). Children under the age of 6 will have a hard time bringing their own fish into the boat, therefore small children who can not reel in their own fish will not be able to count towards our daily bag limit in accordance with WDNR regulations. Children 6 to 9 years, may need assistance holding the fishing rod, but can typically reel in their own fish. Children over the age of 10, many times are fine on their own.

Yes, absolutely !  Your catch will be cleaned and bagged at no additional cost. Your fish can be filleted, or left whole with or without the head, and insides removed. Each fish will be individually bagged. For those who do not want to keep any or all of their catch, we can donate the fish to other anglers for you.

Each angler can catch five (5) fish per day. This can be any combination of species, or all one species.  With a Possession limit of ten (10) fish per person. Possession limit is the amount of fish you can legally have in your possession, either with you while traveling and/or at home.  Small children are allowed to catch their daily limit of fish, provided they are able to do so with minimal assistance. Each angler legally must catch their own fish, if someone doesn’t participate in fishing, their daily limit can not be caught by another angler, but they are allowed to possess fish. (Legally an angler can not keep more than 5 fish in one day, and claim that someone else caught them.) Once an angler has caught and kept 5 fish in a single day, or has 10 fish in their possession, they are no longer legally able to catch more fish. 

If you have any questions on this, please contact the Captain. 

Yes, we actually recommend releasing small yearling fish, and can certainly make an effort to release other fish that are healthy and unstressed. We will need to know that you plan to release a fish before we net it however.

Please understand that under certain circumstances, we are unable to release a fish safely. Salmon, especially Coho salmon are very hard to catch and release. Many times the fish are stressed or bleeding, and releasing these fish may result in a dead fish. This is not ethical, so we will harvest the fish as part of our daily limit.  

If you choose not to keep your catch, there are usually other anglers who are happy to take them. 

Limit catches are not very common, but they can and do happen especially when fishing is very good. 

Once an angler has caught and kept five (5) fish in a single day, or has ten (10) fish in their possession, that angler can no longer legally catch fish. Once EVERY angler onboard has caught their daily limit, or has reached their possession limit of ten (10) fish, we will stop fishing and return to the dock. 

Occasionally we will reach our limit early, and we will return to the dock earlier than scheduled. This is a proud moment for both the angler, and the crew because it is not a common occurrence. Occasionally, the crew may be able to catch and keep fish after all guests have reached their limit, or in cases where there are more fish on the line at the same time than guests onboard. (5 fish on at once, but only 4 passengers). The crew may choose not to harvest their daily limit of fish, because that would prevent them from being able to fish a second trip that day, or because they are near their possession limit. 

In the rare occasion that we catch our limit and return to the dock earlier than scheduled, any remaining time will be forfeited.  

I always recommend taking something for motion sickness if your not sure. I know, Dramamine makes you tired.. There are a few other options, some work some don’t, it depends on the person. Ginger pills, Sea Bands, electronic devices, drops behind your ear, patches behind your ear, and countless other ways to avoid / reduce motion sickness. But regardless if you take something or not, it’s always a good idea to get a good nights sleep, avoid large or greasy meals before a trip, and avoid spending time in the cabin if you feel sea sick. Stay on the back deck, and watch the horizon.

If someone in your group gets sea sick, usually we will remain out fishing. If you ask to return to dock early, we will gladly do so, but you will usually be charged for the full length of the trip. The Captain reserves the right to decide if you can drop that person off and continue fishing. Generally there will be an extra fuel charge if it is feasible to drop a sick passenger off, and return back to the lake. (We burn 2.5 gallons of gasoline per mile at cruising speed)

You do not need any experience with fishing. We have the knowledge and will gladly walk you through what to do when we get a fish on. Actually, women or inexperienced fishermen tend to do better than those who fish inland waters many times because they don’t know what to do, and listen to coaching and tips from the crew. We are happy to explain as much or as little as you’d like us to.

Usually, Yes. It may however have an impact on the amount of fish that you will catch. Our starting times are set for the most productive fishing. Ask the captain if you need to adjust your departure time. 

Yes, it is most common for charter boats to have a First Mate. The First Mate is there to ensure the safety of the passengers, as well as ensure your trip is successful and enjoyable. A First Mate is also needed for safe docking, emergencies, and foggy conditions where an observer is required while under power.

Copyright © HI-TECH Sport Fishing Charters - Sheboygan, WI